Plein Air 101
in Glacier National Park.
\$75 per workshop,
maximum 5 students.
The focus of these one day workshops is the fundementals of plein air painting. While sketching in watercolor, students will learn how and where to set up, composition of the scene, and analysis of color, light, and form, all without being intimidated by the scale of the subject matter or a big blank piece of watercolor paper.
A fun and exciting introduction to this popular genre of painting.
Images on this page are from my sketchbook
and were typicly painted in five to twenty minutes.
It is quick sketches like these that train the hands and eyes to respond quickly
to the fast changing subject when painting
En Plein Air.

A year round schedule 0is being established for travel watercolor workshops.
Would your Art Club or local Art Center like to sponsor a workshop?
For more information on classes and workshops....
Listed at Shaw Guides.

© P. K. Berry Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Roger Thornhill Agency